Craftsperson, Designer or Artist, what am I?

This weeks lecture was on craft, one main question asked was: Do you think your a designer, craftsperson or an artist?
This made me think, personally I'd hope to be all of the above at the end of my course. I feel that I am a designer as I design the pieces I create, I think about how my final piece will look, where the inspirations come from and if there is a meaning to it.
As a craftsperson I feel I will soon become one. I am learning how to use all the different tools and learn all these new techniques for metal work. So by the end of my three years I would see myself as a craftsperson in jewellery.
I do believe that some pieces of jewellery and metal work can become art. Art can be created from more sculptural pieces which then would make me more of an artist.
So hopefully by the end of my degree course I will be a part of all three. I think that this will help me when I leave and join the professional world, I don't want to limit myself to one discipline.
The thought of this excites me, having all these different skills in these disciplines will hopefully lead me to some great opportunities in life.

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