
For another part of our assignment we had to research books, journals and articles etc that related to our previous mindmaps. For my mindmap I looked into alarms; car, shop and personal ones. So for this task I looked into books etc relating to types to car alarms and how they could function and into everything to do with shop security, to prevent shoplifters. Below are my results in a bibliograpghy with a little bit about how helpful they are to me:

Bloomfield, B (2001) In the right place at the right time: Electronic tagging and problems of social order/disorder. Blackwell Publishing.

This paper explores the relationship between technology and the problems of social order/ disorder. It looks into the systems of surveillance and electronic tagging. This paper is quite helpful but it goes slightly away from what I was looking into and more into the surveillance of the public.

Kennedy, T. Traister, JE (2001) Low voltage wiring: security/fire alarm systems. McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing.

This book gives you the skills to design fit and manage a low voltage alarm system in any building. It contains a CD which contains business aids, time-saving checklists, Internet addresses for industry contacts, and, live, searchable glossary. This is not so helpful for me, I am not looking to fit the alarm systmes but it does give me a little look into how they work.

Home Office, Pritchard, ES (1973) Shoplifting, and thefts by shop staff report of a working party on internal shop security. London. HMSO.

The helpful areas covered in this article are technical aids that will deter thieves from shops or detect them. If the theft is happening in the work place by colleagues and how to prevent this. The surveillance of parking systems. Even though these are helpful as I looked into shop security, the article does contain some areas that would not be of help such as the sentencing of the offenders and the retailers prosecution policy.

Jack, S (2005) Securing the supply chain.UK. Drapers

This article looks into how to prevent shoplifting through electronic tagging on clothing, barcodes and tracking, to minimise the levels of theft in shops. This will be a very helpful article as it looks into the subjects I have studied.

Okyundamiya, MS (2009) Design implementation of GSM activated automobile demobilizer with identification capability. Laublsrutisr. Trans Tech Publication LTD.

This article investigates the Global System for Mobile communication automobile demobilizer with identification capability, and in case studies how too many cars can easily be stolen. This papers implements a device that prevents the car from being stolen and gives pictures and sound of the culprit. This helps towards my idea of a device that prevents car theft.

Tseng, PH (2009) Wireless location tracking algorithms for environments with sufficient signal sources. Los Alamitos. IEEE computer soc.

In this article, we look into location estimators and tracking devices, and how to prevent the signal being out of range. The paper looks into two devices; The Predictive Location Tracking (PLT) scheme, which provides more signal for the location estimator. The second device the Geometric-assisted PLT (GPLT) scheme with uses the Geometric Dilution of Precision these together make a more precise location estimation.


Craftsperson, Designer or Artist, what am I?

