Collaborative Wedding Shoot

On Monday myself, Cosmetique Scotland, Siobhan Diamond Photography, Models Nicola Madill and Victoria Eve and new florist business Bluebell and Birch got together to for a wedding shoot at the fantastic Kinnettles Castle.

We have been able to make up our own wee wedding collective of jewellery, flowers, hair and make up photographer and even a musician from Nicola Madill.

Scarlett Erskine Jewellery

Bluebell and Birch Flowers

Cosmetique Scotland's hair ups!

We were lucky enough to get Kinettles Castle to ourselves for the day. 

The weather was the best it has been in months, this gave us the opportunity to shoot outside. In the amazing grounds of the castle.

Cosmetique Scotland, Bluebell and Birch, Nicola Madill and Scarlett Erskine Jewellery selfie!


Enchanted Fairytale Wedding Shoot


Wedding of the Year number 3