Week of Scarlett Erskine Jewellery

What a weekend we had! Friday night was Vanilla Ink and Nikki McWilliams' Autumnal Delight Night. Thanks to everyone who made it and could enjoy our work on display with yummy mulled cider and delightful music and even raffle prizes! 

Over the weekend was WASPs Open Studios where all the studios were open for the curious to come and nosey and buy some goodies! Scarlett Erskine Jewellery had lots of interest and sold some new pieces...very successful weekend!

Vanilla Inkers were lucky enough to receive an invite to Hayleys Scanlan's fashion show launching her new line Velvet Venom! It was a great night and much fun for the Vanilla Inkers to dress up and sip champagne!

On Monday I went through to Perth to the Tayberry Gallery. From Friday 9th Nov they are stocking my jewellery collection. They have such a beautiful gallery, well worth a visit! If you get the chance come down to the Tayberry Gallery from 6 - 9pm to enjoy some new delights!

To top off a busy week the gang and I got the sparklers out and celebrated bonfire night with fireworks!


Vanilla Ink @ DCA Christmas Market


Mini Masterclass - Skills swap!