Halloween @ Vanilla Ink

Picture thanks to @redjotter.

Last week in Vanilla Ink we had our first Professional Development class. Lauren Currie from Snook came to talk to us about our future!!!
We discussed our perfect day at Vanilla Ink, where we could see ourselves in 5 and 15 years time, what we are good at, our failings and looked into our shareholders. This helped me to realise that everything is always bigger than it seems! By writing these things down made me realise how I can achieve my dreams and highlight what areas I need to work on. 
Our day was very motivational, we were all given actions we had to do to help us reach our goals, my first action was to invite a professional for lunch at Vanilla Ink, so keep an eye out for my blog on this. I would like to thank Lauren Currie for great day, it really helped boost my confidence in my business!
After our thought provoking day... we had some halloween fun in Vanilla Ink...Pumpkin carving!! This wasn't just any pumpkin carving it was a jewellers special - pendant drills and pretty much any tools we could find!


Mini Masterclass - Skills swap!

