Marzee Exhibition

Last thursday I was lucky enough to visit the Marzee Exhibition in St Andrews.( The collection of jewellery was designed to reflect the personality of specific people. The people were then photographed wearing the pieces and the photos displayed in the gallery. I found the gallery surprisingly small, but I felt it gave you the chance to really look at the work. The photography, for me, did not enhance the jewellery. I felt it should have been displayed in a more simplistic manner. The photographs were busy with two or even three models, wearing black clothing with a patterned background. I think it took something away from the jewellery. I also thought some of the people looked uncomfortable wearing the pieces. I didn't enjoy this look as I found it slightly old fashioned and would rather a more simplistic look, such as plain background with a model wearing little clothing to really show the jewellery off. Above is a brooch made by Lucy Sarneel, I found it interesting how she incorporated pattern into her piece.

This piece above caught my eye it is a necklace made entirely of paper. It was made by Nel Linssen. Depending on the angle of the necklace you can see different colours coming through the piece. It amazes me this can be made from such a simple material of paper.

I did come across a piece made by Ruudt Peters ( I couldn't take my eye of this piece it is a brooch made from Sefiroth - kether gold and glass. The piece was very sparkly which I found eye catching. I liked the flowing effect of the glass. I went on to his website to look at his work I found he also has designed fences and wall sculptures. I really liked his brooches these are a few more I found on his website.


Craig Tracy


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